Where the passion begins
NHSB 3229274
Hi I'm Bärbel.
I was born on 10-03-2021. My mother is Lady and I have a sister Borka.
Kaprice vom Harderberg
NHSB 3094359
Hi, I'm Kaprice vom Harderberg. I was born on April 25, 2017. My owner (staff) is sweet. And I like to cuddle. My owner thinks I should get out of breeding. He says second cesarean has become too much for complication. And now it's my daughters turn to continue the bloodline
NHSB 3229275
You already heard from my sister what my name is. It would probably be that I was born an hour later. But I'm taller. And live with my owner's in-laws. And I'm not spoiled at all. hahaha lol!!!!
Clio van de Peelhelden
NHSB: 3293042
You have already heard it from my half-sisters. I was born on 05-12-2022. My litter mates are Costantino and Clemens van de peelhelden